Hello All,
So my story to share with you all for these two weeks is of my newfound addiction. Seriously, I'm not joking when I say addiction. I have a good buddy who had never played Dishonored before, so I loaned him my copy, and in return, he loaned me Skyrim. I have never played this game before the 6 hours I just sunk getting lost in this magical RPG world. My character isn't even a double-digit level yet, and I can tell that this game clearly deserves all the accolades it received.
So yeah, that's about it. I don't expect to see the light of day for a few weeks, and I'm absolutely going to go ahead and purchase my own copy so I can play after this semester of school is over. Wish me the best friends, I'll try RPG rehab right after this next level up, or next week or something, promise...
It is THAT good!